February 26 2024

4 minutes of reading

Composable as the future of e-commerce


Anna Bryk

Businesses are constantly looking for solutions to not only keep up with changing trends and customer expectations but also to stay ahead of the competition through innovation and flexibility. Against this backdrop, a concept is emerging that is revolutionizing the traditional approach to e‑commerce, offering businesses the ability to adapt their platforms quickly and efficiently. In our latest article, we want to take a closer look at the topic of Composable Commerce and focus on the aspects that were raised at the event ‘Composable as the future of e‑commerce’, which we organized in collaboration with our technology partner Contentful.

What is Composable Commerce?

Composable Commerce is an approach to creating an e‑commerce infrastructure where the main focus is on building a flexible ecosystem. The idea enables the platform to be constructed on a modular architecture, where each component of the system is scalable and modifiable, enabling easy integration with other components. This means that, in this approach, each area of the platform can be tailored to precisely defined needs.

When translating the Composable Commerce approach into online shop functionality, it can consist of many different services and modules. These modules can be combined in any way according to our individual needs as well as the business preferences of our customers. An online shop built in this way, using a range of tailor-made functions, will, thanks to its flexibility, be adequately prepared for changing market trends.

As noted by Łukasz Białonoga, an E‑commerce Managing Partner at Salestube, Composable Commerce, by enabling integration with the best solutions from various sources, provides greater independence from single suppliers and enables them to quickly adapt to changing market requirements and customer expectations.

The services that Composable Commerce can offer businesses are redefining the industry. Composable Commerce provides:

  • flexibility in technology choice,

  • scalability of solutions,

  • availability of AI tools,

  • ease of management,

  • speed of implementation,

  • supplier independence.

“With the rapidly changing reality in recent years, especially in online business, the Composable Commerce approach fits perfectly with business needs. The modules that make up the systems are usually easily integrable and interchangeable if needs or the business environment changes”

Łukasz Białonoga, E‑commerce Managing Partner at Salestube powered by hmmh

Composable content is the key to building unique customer experiences

Thanks to tools such as Contentful, we can personalize the content we present and tailor it to a specific audience. Using our technology partner’s tool, we can deliver the same content to users through different channels without interfering with the code and use the same elements (images, video, text), in different places and on different channels (web, app), in a customized configuration. This will greatly help customers’ perception and ensure that the content offered, despite the different channels, is consistent with each other. A customer who identifies with the content offered, and is additionally able to imagine how they will feel using the presented product, is more likely to choose the promoted offer.

We can learn more about Contentful’s usability itself from the words of Contentful’s Piotr Mroziński, who, during the meeting in his presentation ‘Composable content the key to building unique customer experiences’, took a closer look at how the tool works.

Using a specific brand as an example, it was shown how by optimising usability and matching content across platforms, they can create relationships with their customers. One such company is IKEA, which abandoned the popular paper catalogs and focused on displaying its products through online platforms, building a virtual world where the user can move around different rooms and test different solutions. The use of headless technology meant that the same content was used in different countries, thus tailoring it to the audience in a variety of ways.

“Developers need to forget that they can program and focus on how the client’s business works in the real world, not in the computer. How to accomplish this? To guide the conversation appropriately and effectively cool the team’s eagerness to insert programming buzzwords in a meeting with the client. The focus is on getting the whole team to speak the same language. So that every word said in meetings is understood in the same way by the Senior Software Developer and the lady from Accounting. This has an electrifying effect. In the process, threads emerge that neither the developers nor the client had ever thought of before, and the decision does not necessarily have technical consequences. Because the solution to the problem doesn’t have to be in the system, but if it makes sense, it may be better/cheaper/easier to change the process in the client’s company”

Bogdan Jakubowski, Tech Lead at Salestube powered by hmmh

Marketing Automation in the Era of Composable Commerce

In the context of Composable Commerce, marketing automation tools are also playing an increasingly important role. Thanks to the advantages of Composable Commerce, which are undoubtedly the modularity and flexibility already mentioned, organizations can more easily integrate Marketing Automation tools with other elements of their commercial infrastructure. This will undoubtedly result in even more accurate personalization of content and thus translate into more effective marketing campaigns. The use of Marketing Automation in a Composable Commerce approach is also supported by in-depth data analysis. By using advanced analytical tools, companies can better understand their customers’ behavior and tailor marketing strategies according to their preferences and needs ensuring better sales results.

Jakub Szczygieł, Marketing Automation Manager at Salestube, addressed the Marketing Automation aspect. During his lecture, Jakub presented how marketing automation tools can strengthen communication with the customer and contribute to increased turnover. As an example of the above, he cited the healthy food industry and a client who recorded a 17% increase in sales results over a year, these results were raised as a result of using marketing automation tools (product reminder mailings and birthday discount messages), the message of which was targeted at former customers.

From Jakub’s point of view, segmentation backed by proper analysis is the key to success in Marketing Automation for building retention and loyalty. Segmentation will allow us to clarify which customers we are dealing with, as well as what content interests them and what they pay the most attention to. Once we do this, it is easier to select the tools to achieve the desired effect.

From our point of view, three categories of customers in particular deserve special attention:

  • Cheap and regular buyers

  • Expensive and occasional buyers

  • Expensive and regular buyers

These groups contain users who have already purchased from our shop, so it will be much easier to encourage them to return and make further orders in the future.

“In the era of Composable Commerce, the personalization of communications is key. Just as technology allows for easy and quick integrations, with Marketing Automation we can precisely tailor offers and messages to individual customer needs, resulting in a clear increase in the effectiveness of marketing and sales activities. Integrating Marketing Automation systems with E‑Commerce platforms enables us not only to understand customer behavior better but also to respond to that behavior more quickly and effectively, which is key to increasing customer loyalty and lifetime value”

Jakub Szczygieł, Marketing Automation Manager at Salestube

Future perspectives

Given the speed at which the Composable Commerce approach is developing, we can conclude that it is not only the future of e‑commerce but also a value that is a key part of the strategy of many companies seeking to innovate and adapt to a rapidly changing market.

We will soon be featuring content on our Social Media that will further detail the point of view discussed by our experts. To stay up to date, visit our website and sign up for our newsletter.

*This article is based on the factual content discussed at the meeting “Composable as the future of e‑commerce”, which was organized by Salestube powered by hmmh and Contentful.

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July 9 2024
E-commerce for pets - developments, trends, and innovations
Anna Bryk
10 minutes of reading Clock icon

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