May 19 2023

3 minutes of reading

What does the future hold for E-commerce?


Anna Bryk

”The future of E‑commerce” conference by Kammedia and AKAT Consulting took place on April 18. Salestube powered by hmmh partnered the event and took a really active part in it. Łukasz Białonoga, E‑commerce Managing Partner at salestube powered by hmmh was one of the keynote speakers. 

It’s no secret that we highly value such projects, as the industry never sleeps and the reality is developing at an unprecedented rate. Every such conference is an awesome and much-needed opportunity to share insights and experience. It was no different in this case, as a significant part of the event was devoted to the prevailing and constantly changing trends in E‑commerce.

We also can’t forget to mention Kamilę Gębik and Tomasz Kurek as they should be applauded for the idea of the conference, their engagement and great organizational skills. What spiced things up was the promotion of the book “Przyszłość E‑commerce” (”The Future of E‑commerce”) written by Kamila Gębik, that we wholeheartedly recommend to anyone who’s in the E‑commerce business. We already have a copy.  

At the conference, Łukasz Białonoga teamed up with Kacper Gugała from Shopware to deliver a talk called “Well-suited technology as the key to the development of the E‑commerce business of the future”. 

The presentation by the gentlemen mainly focused on two issues. The first one was an extremely important matter of choosing technology during the process of working on a new E‑commerce project. According to Łukasz and Kacper, it is possible to do it on your own, but it is crucial to adhere to several essential principles:

  • The solution offered by a company must have a well-established position in the market.

  • It should have a network of partners that allows for the possibility of adapting tools to the specific nature of the business.

  • Considering the rapid development of the industry, it is also important to rely on a partner who follows current trends and constantly seeks new solutions.

  • It is worth noting that the company should have an OpenSource version and/or an active community.

  • Another factor to consider when evaluating a partner is access to marketplaces or extension stores.

The second topic that Łukasz and Kacper focused on was the perspective of E‑commerce industry development. In this case, the gentlemen had no illusions and left no room for doubt.

  • The industry will primarily move towards specialized tools.

  • The ecosystem will be significantly broader.

  • E‑commerce will become increasingly efficient (because there is really no other choice) and scalable (directly related to the previous point).

  • However, the highlight of their presentation was the idea that, according to Łukasz and Kacper, E‑commerce will become a borderless industry in the near future.

  • To have a stable and thriving E‑commerce, it is important to avoid problems and ensure an appropriate setup.

Well, it is a bold hypothesis, but let’s be honest, such a development of the situation is indeed very likely.

The conference also allowed us to meet plenty of other attendees and do a lot of networking, as well as listen to a number of interesting talks. The one that definitely stuck in our minds was ”AI – can it help e‑commerce today?” by Artur Pajkert. It was about the benefits and drawbacks of AI and delivered in an incredibly appealing package.

I love it when events like this one offer such a substantive value beyond the usually entertaining networking opportunities, which was the case this time as well. We’re leaving with plenty of new relations and ideas on how we can help our clients develop their e‑commerce businesses, said Łukasz Białonoga, E‑commerce Managing Partner at salestube powered by hmmh

Another talk that inspired us was James Gover’s “How Live Streaming can change your business”. It presented a vision of how the e‑commerce world is changing and how we’re entering the era of video content sales that has already been around for a while in the US and China. It was surely another enormous dose of food for thought.

We’re very glad that we could be one of the partners of the The future of E‑commerce” conference and we’re looking forward to the following conferences and any such events in the future. 

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