AXA Direct mobile mock-ups study
AXA is one of the largest insurance groups in the world. It is a universal insurer with a full range of property insurance, as well as life insurance. AXA is present in Poland since 2006. The company is also a leader in sales of motor insurance in the direct channel. To maintain its position in this area, it continually improves its products and invests in the development of websites and applications.

Optimization of the calculator determining the motor insurance premium:
by skipping some of the calculator questions, presenting the remaining questions and suggesting forms of answering them
to reach as many users as possible to complete the premium calculator -> increase the conversion rate
Two waves of CAWI study during which respondents made a false purchase of insurance and then answered questions about the models and the purchase process. The way of navigating and clicking on the mock-ups was recorded by software tracking the behaviour on the website.
Eye Tracking measurement, allowed for precise determination of the way the user’s eyes move around the mobile application purchase module.
Results & benefits
A more user-friendly mock-up has been selected. The client decided to drop some of the calculator’s questions, prepared a new presentation of the remaining questions and suggested forms of submitting answers.